Veit Helmer
Sergey Ashkenazi
Veit Helmer
Daniela Baumergtler
Written by
Alexandr Asochakov
Marie de Villepin
Sitora Farmonova
Viet Helmer — FilmProduction СТВ Film Company
The unwritten law of the Kazakh steppes is: 'Everything that falls from the sky, you can keep.'" This law was heavily observed by the residents of a small village, who collect debris from space vehicles that fall near the Baikonur space station.

The last two young representatives of the village are the radio operator Iskander, known as Gagarin, and the energetic Nazira. While Nazira struggles to hide her growing love for Iskander through her unusual behavior, Iskander seems not only fascinated by Baikonur and the vastness of space, but also deeply struck by the beautiful French astronaut Julie Mae, whose journeys to the stars he watches with longing on TV.

When Julie literally "falls from the sky" in a small space capsule, Iskander finds her unconscious. Since Julie cannot remember anything, Iskander pretends that they are engaged, turning the ancient law of the steppes to his advantage. But even the most romantic lie cannot remain hidden forever.

And now "Gagarin" no longer knows who he truly belongs to.