Directed by
Ovanes Ovanessyan
Screenplay by
Sergey Kaluzhanov
Ovanes Ovanessyan
Gulnara Sarsenova
Amir Karakulov
Zaure Seitova
Tolganay Talgat
Nerijus Mankus
Kuandyk Kystykbayev
Kazakhstan. A group of Muslm fundamentalsts escapes from a prson n Aktau, a cty n the west of the country. They stage a terrorst attack on a film set n front of a young actress called Tara.

Strugglng to cope wth stress, she seeks peace n her brother’s house, who lves nearby, on the shores of the Caspan Sea. There she meets Marus, an ornthologst from Europe. Whle helpng hm photograph brds, she falls n love wth hm, not knowng that he s the leader of the terrorsts.

Tara’s heart s torn apart when she learns that the hands of her loved one are staned wth her brother’s blood. She now has to make the worst choce of her lfe.