Beetwen Company
Ermek Shinarbayev
Gerard Depardieu
Vensan Ravalek
Daniyar Kumisbaev
Written by
Berik Aytzhanov
Gerard Depardieu
Nurzhuman Ihtimbaev
Karlygash Muhamedzhanova
Nataly Dessey
Erik Zholzhaksynov
This film tells the story of two main characters: elderly Frenchman Anatole and young Kazakh Abai, who by fate and providence met in an unexpected situation and together found a solution to their life problems. Anatole Lerbier, an outstanding specialist in sound and sound recording, once found himself in the steppes of Kazakhstan in his childhood. A tragic event brought him together with a simple Kazakh named Eraly, who was able to reveal the most significant secrets of life to the little Frenchman.

The little Frenchman grew up and became a world-famous figure in the wonderful world of sounds - and he always remembered that he received this gift in the steppes of Kazakhstan. Almost fifty years later, Anatole Lerbier found himself in Kazakhstan again - and discovered a new strong state, the majestic capital Astana. And his gift resounded with renewed force. But at first, Anatole had to go through new trials - and in this difficult path, a young man named Abai helped him.

The film's script was written in the genre of romantic drama by the well-known French screenwriter Vincent Ravalec with the participation of the young talented Kazakhstani screenwriter Daniyar Kumisbayev.